[kinoki-mikrokino] Di. 10.12.: In the past even future seemed brighter

tom w tom at kinoki.at
Fr Dez 6 09:55:52 CET 2019

Dear Friends,

Kinokis next program on Tuesday 10.12., 19:00 Depot, Breitegasse 7 is dedicated to a filmic analysis of the current situation in Hungary: 

Sebestyén Kodolányi, cineast, curator and archivist from Hungary brings a program with three of his own films, all around the contemporary sociopoitical situation in Hungary in three different types of filmic language and caracter.

Dogfight 8min.
Camp 21min.
Greenbox 53min.

Greenbox is a documentary about the current hungarian situation, with a story based on corrupt investment on digitalisation and experience tourism.

Followed by a discussion with Sebestyén Kodolányi.
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